Friday night (Feb 13
th) Em's sister dropped off their kids to spend the night at our house, in exchange for them taking our kids to spend the night at their house on the 14
th. It was a great trade because that meant we didn't have to find babysitters for Valentines. After they left with the kids we decided to go to
Tepanyaki, the Japanese Steak House. There was already an hour and a half wait at 4:00, so we went clothes shopping. We finally got in to eat and it was delicious. We then decided to go see a movie. The movie we chose didn't start for 45 minutes so Em said, "we should go pick up a special outfit for tonight." I tried to play it cool and prevent myself from shouting "that would be awesome."
So we went across the street to a store and headed to that certain area of the store. I always feel somewhat uncomfortable just standing around...but we have to make sacrifices to get action.
Anyways, Em found an outfit that she liked and we headed to the front to pay but Em saw a Valentine display which had a mannequin in a special outfit. She really liked this outfit (So did I, it looked nice on the plaster woman, but I knew it would look better on my wife). Em asked a sales clerk and they said they didn't have anymore of those outfits...except for the one on the mannequin that happened to be the right size for Em. Well, when Em wants something, she gets it. The next thing I know the store employee is starting to remove the outfit from the mannequin. It was more difficult for her than she would have thought so we are standing there with arms of the mannequin lying on the floor, the lady hugging the mannequin trying to hold it up as she is trying to get the bottom part of the outfit (which is very minimal) off. She then yells across the store, shouting she needs help to undress the mannequin. Finally, Emily gave me that look that eloquently says..."you need to help her if you want any tonight." So I had to take the legs off the stand and help pull the bottom part of the outfit (which again, is very minimal) off the mannequin. Who would have thought it would be so hard to take some strings off a mannequin. It was quite the sight to see arms, legs, and pieces of bedtime outfits strewn across the front entrance of the store.
When all was said and done, the struggle with the
mannequin was all for naught...because I wouldn't run to a
restaurant at 11:00 at night and get Em a molten chocolate cake.
Emily's editorial: I don't think that it is appropriate for Kris to discuss our private life on his blog page but since he has I feel like I need to set the record straight. It wasn't at 11:00 at night, it was at 9:30 and the
restaurant who makes the
delicious molten cake is in the same shopping center as the movie theater and the store where we bought the "outfit". I had been promised the molten cake, I had been saving myself for that molten cake all day, I even denied myself desert at
Tepanyaki. So I all have to say is... if I didn't get my dessert why should Kris?